Course Length: 10 Weeks


Target Audience: Pre-Service Teachers/ 1st Year Teachers


Course Format: Weekly lectures, discussions, case studies, and hands-on activities


Course Overview:

This course explores key principles of educational psychology, with a focus on classroom management, recognizing educational disabilities, intervention strategies, inclusive teaching, and decision-making in challenging classroom situations. Pre-service teachers will develop skills to create supportive learning environments, differentiate instruction, and respond to diverse student needs.




Course Outline:


Week 1: Foundations of Educational Psychology & Learning Theories

  • Key learning theories (Behaviorism, Constructivism, Socio-Cultural Theory)
  • How students learn and process information
  • Understanding motivation and engagement in learning

📌 Activity: Case study analysis – How learning theories apply to real classroom situations

Week 2: Understanding and Managing Classroom Behavior

  • Principles of classroom management (proactive vs. reactive approaches)
  • Establishing clear expectations and routines
  • Managing challenging behaviors and promoting positive interactions

📌 Activity: Role-play scenarios on behavior management strategies

Week 3: Recognizing Educational Disabilities

  • Overview of common learning disabilities (Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, Intellectual Disabilities)
  • Early signs and red flags for intervention
  • The referral and evaluation process

📌 Activity: Case studies – Identifying potential educational disabilities in student profiles

Week 4: What to Do When You Recognize a Disability

  • The role of teachers in the intervention process
  • How to communicate concerns with parents and specialists
  • Understanding IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) and 504 Plans

📌 Activity: Mock IEP meeting simulation

Week 5: Modifying the Classroom for Students with Diverse Needs

  • Differentiated instruction strategies
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles
  • Classroom modifications vs. accommodations vs. interventions

📌 Activity: Classroom modification challenge – Adjusting lesson plans for diverse learners

Week 6: Creating an Inclusive Classroom Culture

  • Strategies for fostering inclusivity and belonging
  • Addressing bias and stereotypes in education
  • Promoting social-emotional learning and peer support

📌 Activity: Group discussion – Strategies to handle microaggressions and bias in classrooms

Week 7: Collaboration with Families and Support Staff

  • How to build relationships with families of diverse learners
  • Working with school psychologists, special educators, and counselors
  • Effective communication strategies for parent-teacher meetings

📌 Activity: Parent-teacher role-play conversation

Week 8: Picking Your Battles – When & How to Address Student Behavior

  • Understanding behavioral triggers
  • Prioritizing responses: When to intervene, when to let go
  • Using restorative practices and conflict resolution

📌 Activity: Classroom behavior scenario game – Choosing the best response

Week 9: Self-Care for Teachers & Preventing Burnout

  • Recognizing signs of stress and burnout
  • Strategies for work-life balance
  • Building a strong support system as an educator

📌 Activity: Self-care planning exercise – Creating a sustainable wellness plan

Week 10: Final Project & Course Wrap-Up

  • Applying what you’ve learned: Designing an inclusive classroom plan
  • Sharing strategies and reflections
  • Course evaluation and discussion

📌 Final Assignment: Design a classroom management and inclusion plan, incorporating strategies from the course

Assessment & Grading:

✅ Participation (30%) – Engaging in discussions, role-plays, and activities
✅ Weekly Reflections (20%) – Short written reflections on key takeaways
✅ Case Study Analysis (25%) – Identifying disabilities and creating intervention strategies
✅ Final Project (25%) – Designing an inclusive classroom plan

Final Thoughts:

This course provides pre-service teachers/1st year teachers with the skills to recognize and support diverse learners, manage behavior effectively, and create inclusive classrooms where all students thrive. It balances theory and real-world application, ensuring future educators are prepared for the realities of the classroom.



Please email [email protected] should you be interested in providing this course to your teachers.